*Youth and the democratization of food systems*
*The new edition of the Nyéléni newsletter is online! *
*Illustration: *Sophie Holin for La Via Campesina, Instagram: @soph.ieholin
It's December. Yet another year in our cycle of life is drawing to a close
as we search for hope and solidarity in the face of daunting adversities.
The world is marred by rising temperatures, erratic weather events, extreme
poverty, hunger, wars, conflicts and violence.
A systemic model that placed the interests and profits of the few over
those of the many has created this catastrophe. The global industrial food
system is a case in point—it is among the largest polluters on the planet.
It uses nearly two-thirds of the world’s resources but can only feed a
quarter of the world's population, leaving behind a trail of destructive
and polluting practices along its supply chain. In contrast, peasant
agriculture, which still feeds 70% of the global population, sustains
harmonious and healthy cycles of food production, distribution and
It's high time we reminded global food governance institutions and
governments that the real solutions to the global food crisis lie in giving
peasant communities, Indigenous Peoples, migrant workers, landworkers,
small-scale fishers and pastoralists the power and the autonomy to build
food sovereignty in our territories. We must rally behind food systems
built by and for the people in an agroecological way that respects the
cycle of life in all its forms. A vital element in protecting and
multiplying these diverse, decentralized and resilient food systems are the
conditions available to the young and future small-scale food producers to
engage in the production process. This edition of the Nyéléni newsletter
delves into the democratization of people’s food systems and the critical
need to keep the role and future of the peasant youth in this process.
*La Via Campesina Youth Articulation*
*Click here to download the English edition*
or read it directly in the website at www.nyeleni.org
For any further information, contact info(a)nyeleni.org
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Emanuela Russo
Coordinator of the international *Nyéléni Newsletter *
on Food Sovereignty
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