*Nyéléni international launches new website!* <http://www.nyeleni.org>
30th June 2022 – Nyéléni, the International Food Sovereignty movement has
launched its new website (nyeleni.org <https://nyeleni.org/en/homepage/>)
today to ensure easier accessibility and visibility to all the material and
documents produced over more than 15 years of struggles and building the
movement for Food Sovereignty.
*“ We are extremely thrilled about this new website. We are quite certain
that it will be a key resource for all the people and organisations already
involved in the struggle for Food Sovereignty or for all the ones who are
looking for more information on this topic.”* Said Shalmali Guttal, member
of the Nyéléni newsletter Editorial Board for Focus on the Global South.
The website, accessible in English, Spanish and French, is now more
user-friendly, mobile-compatible and it has a better search engine. The
content has also been organised in three main sections:
- *The International Food Sovereignty movement and newsletter.* This
section introduces the movement and the newsletter, as well as all the
organisations involved. It also links to a collection of key documents and
publications divided by theme (such as Food Sovereignty, Land, Fishery,
etc. These compendiums will continue to be updated with new documents and
- *The Nye**léni **newsletter.* This section includes all the newsletter
editions published until now. The newsletter is the only common
publication of the organisations and movements implicated in the
international struggle for Food Sovereignty, which makes it unique. Over
the last 10 years more than forty editions on a variety of topics have been
regularly published (such as land and territory, seeds, migration and farm
workers, ocean grabbing, digitalization, agroecology, FTAs, corporate
governance, nutrition, authoritarianism, climate change, and many more…).
The newsletter offers important informative and educational material on
complex issues and provides a unique space for grassroots organisations to
share their experiences and learn from each other.
- *The Nyéléni forums for Food Sovereignty.* On one hand this section
includes all the documents produced during the Forum which took place in
Mali in 2007: from the material generated during the long preparation
process before the event, to the media coverage and the final reports. On
the other there is a link to the new Nyéléni process which is taking place
at the moment and will finalise with a new Global Forum of Food Sovereignty
in the upcoming years.
*“We are delighted by this new website. We think that it will improve the
visibility of the international Nyéléni movement. We also believe that it
will help the Nyéléni newsletter to reach a larger audience while
continuing to benefit all the grassroots movements involved worldwide in
the struggle for Food Sovereignty. We hope you will join us in this effort
to make the voice of the international Food Sovereignty movement heard!”*
Said Nadine Nembhard, member of the Nyéléni newsletter Editorial Board for
the World Forum of Fisher People.
*Website *- The web address hasn't changed, have a look! nyeleni.org
[image: Twitter] <http://www.twitter.com/infonyeleni>
[image: Facebook] <https://www.facebook.com/NyeleniNewsletter>
[image: Website] <https://nyeleni.org/>
*Nyéléni process* <http://www.nyeleni.org/ccount/click.php?id=177>*:
Towards a Global Forum for Food Sovereignty*
*The new edition of the Nyéléni newsletter is online! *
*Illustration: Rosanna Morris <https://rosannamorris.com/>*
*Under the eye of Nyéléni, an African woman who defied discriminatory
regulations and burned with creativity and agricultural progress, we will
find the energy to transform the right to food sovereignty into a beacon
for the construction of another world.* Women’s declaration on food
sovereignty <https://nyeleni.org/spip.php?article310>
As the world lurches from one crisis to another, Nyéléni symbolizes the
convergence of our struggles and commitments to build a world free of
greed, hunger, exploitation, extractivism, misogyny, racism,
discrimination, and violence. Since 2007, Nyéléni has been a space where we
meet in order to build collective strategies to advance food sovereignty,
rights to land and territories, agroecology, and the rights of all
small-scale food providers. Our *articulations* have given us the strength
to organize against capitalism, neoliberalism, corporate power, patriarchy,
and ecocide.
Through the Nyéléni meetings in 2007, 2011 and 2015, the food sovereignty
movement created the basis for our future position in many global
negotiations. These events and the concepts born therein led to the
Voluntary Guidelines on the Responsible Governance of Tenure of Land,
Fisheries and Forests, the Voluntary Guidelines for Securing Sustainable
Small-Scale Fisheries in the Context of Food Security and Poverty
Eradication, and the implementation of Farmers’ Rights in the context of
the International Treaty on Plant Genetic Resources for Food and
But in the present global context, the food sovereignty movement cannot
make it alone. To dismantle agribusiness and corporate power, as well as
provide comprehensive responses to persisting systemic crises and the rise
of conservative right-wing forces, we need to converge with peoples'
organisations facing different forms of oppression and threats.
Collectively, we can propose true alternatives for all and advance social,
gender, racial, economic, intergenerational, and environmental justice. The
Nyéléni meetings are thus essential for building principles, concepts and
strategies shared and reinforced by many movements across different
sectors, while defending the most vulnerable at local levels.
*IPC for Food Sovereignty, Focus on the Global South, Friends of the Earth
International, Crocevia *and* FIAN*
*Click here to download the English edition*
<http://www.nyeleni.org/ccount/click.php?id=177> or read it directly in the
website at www.nyeleni.org <https://nyeleni.org/> !
For any further information, contact info(a)nyeleni.org
*Circulate it!*
[image: Twitter] <http://www.twitter.com/infonyeleni>
[image: Facebook] <https://www.facebook.com/NyeleniNewsletter>
[image: Website] <https://nyeleni.org/>