*How multilateral and other international platforms affect food sovereignty*
*The new edition of the Nyéléni newsletter is online! *
*Illustration: Andrea Medina for ETC Group
For many governments and policy makers, food has come to be viewed as a
commodity rather than a right. Global food governance increasingly serves
corporate interests through market- and business-friendly agreements which
are normalised in a wide range of multilateral institutions. People's
livelihoods and nature are being traded away via economic and financial
deals that benefit corporations and elites in different sectors and
countries, but threaten the conditions necessary for peoples’ food
sovereignty. This threat is now being compounded by corporate techno-fix
approaches to climate change and biodiversity crises.
In this issue of the Nyéléni newsletter*,* we describe how trends in
multilateral and other international platforms are impacting food
sovereignty in ways that will be decisive for the future of food and
peoples' self-determination. We unpack the different processes in which
unfair exchanges are being perpetuated and opaque concepts promoted.
As trade and investment fora continue to advance industrial food systems
and global supply chains, the proliferation of so-called ‘Nature-based
Solutions’ (NBS) is masking new ways of commodifying nature, territories
and livelihoods. By assigning land, soil, water, forests and biodiversity
the impossible task of making up for the pollution caused by industries
elsewhere in exchange for monetary remuneration, a new front of commons
enclosure is opening up, which is being enabled, measured and monitored
through new technologies. Corporate capture of political and economic
agendas is a common factor in all these scenarios; spreading out and
embedding in multilateral institutions through multistakeholderism. A
glaring example of this is the 2021 Food Systems Summit and the subsequent
establishment of a UN Food Systems Coordination Hub, which seeks to hijack
the ongoing food governance conversation. A further example is the
discussion on Data for Food Security and Nutrition in the Committee on
World Food Security (CFS), driven by none other than the Bill and Melinda
Gates Foundation.
It is clear that we need to collectively mobilise and resist on an even
larger and more coordinated scale than ever before to challenge and reverse
these trends across a range of multilateral and other ‘negotiating’ arenas.
*ETC Group, FIAN International, Focus on the Global South*
*Click here to download the English edition (pdf)*
or read it directly on the website
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