The new edition of the Nyéléni newsletter is online!
*A new framework for trade based on food sovereignty*
*The new edition of the Nyéléni newsletter is online! *
*Illustration: *Marcia Miranda
The current international trade order was established to support the
expansion of transnational companies and to keep colonial powers in control
of the world’s natural resources.
The World Trade Organization, the IMF, the World Bank, and free-trade
agreements have been used to dismantle national policies that ensured
people’s sovereignty over national resources and local markets. For this
reason, this edition of the Nyéléni Newsletter analyzes the impact of the
current global trade system on national policies, particularly those that
ensure fair prices for food producers and consumers.
We are striving to rebuild food sovereignty, which means changing the
global trade system and allowing countries to develop policies that ensure
a decent livelihood for all people, particularly small-scale food
producers. Minimum support prices, public stock-holdings, supply
management, public food procurement, and so forth: there are plenty of
inspiring examples of public policies that ensure a fair income for rural
people, guaranteeing that how our food systems are organized is a
democratic discussion and not left to the ‘markets’.
This edition of the Nyéléni Newsletter calls for an end to the exploitative
model of capital expansion through free trade agreements. We explore the
urgent need to break the hegemony of free trade and build an alternative
that upholds solidarity and internationalism, and respects the diversity,
autonomy, and food sovereignty of nations and communities.
*La Via Campesina, ETC Group, Transnational Institute*
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The new edition of the Nyéléni newsletter is online!
*Challenging the financing behind green and blue grabbing*
*The new edition of the Nyéléni newsletter is online! *
*Illustration: *Luisa Rivera,
Mobilising large quantities of private finance to replace the lack of
public finance is fast becoming a new goal in discussions on climate and
biodiversity financing. But this push means that the commodification and
financialization of nature is reaching alarming levels, causing a new
territorial grab and undermining environmental justice. "Green economy”
mechanisms like carbon credits, biodiversity offset markets, and
debt-for-nature swaps are not only misguided but perilous.
This edition explores some of the varied and bewildering array of new
schemes that financialise oceans, soils, seaweed, and forests. A
fundamental flaw lies in the approach that prioritizes profit over genuine
environmental stewardship and returns for investors, often at the expense
of local communities. These mechanisms frequently lead to the dispossession
of Indigenous Peoples and small-scale producers, who are forced off their
lands and seas to make way for lucrative conservation projects. The
promised benefits of these financial schemes rarely reach those who bear
the brunt of their impacts.
The testimonies here clearly show that the movements of Indigenous Peoples,
fishers and peasants are fighting back across the different UN platforms
and in their own territories. Our movements are demanding public funding
for climate and biodiversity, debt cancellation, reparations, respect for
the rights and knowledge of Indigenous Peoples and other communities, and
genuine accountability and regulation of the corporations that have long
profited from environmental exploitation.
We know the curtain has been pulled back on the fantasy of neoliberal
ideology, its failures exposed. So, we collectively fight its proliferation
into nature and our territories.
*Friends of the Earth International, ETC Group, Transnational Institute*
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New edition of the Nyéléni newsletter
*Ultra-processed food, a "corporate diet"*
*The new edition of the Nyéléni newsletter is online! *
*Illustration: *Nikau Hindin, Obesity and Junk Food, 2009, @nikaugabrielle
The past 60 years have seen an exponential rise in the production and
consumption of ultra-processed ‘food’–or rather, edible–products (UPP),
such as packaged crisps, biscuits, sweetened beverages, and ready-to-eat
meals. Driven by an expansion of the industrial food system, including
global sourcing and retail structures, and corporate concentration and
power within this system, UPP are replacing fresh and minimally processed
foods and home-cooked meals in our diets. Dietary patterns are becoming
increasingly homogenized and culinary traditions are disappearing. This
shift started in high income countries and has now reached all countries,
in some making up over 50 percent of what people eat.
This edition of the Nyéléni newsletter explores how the ‘corporate diet’
based on UPP is being imposed in different regions of the world and what
this means for people’s health and food sovereignty. It further provides
examples of resistance, from the recovery of traditional crops to the
struggle for effective regulatory measures. What is clear is that to
reclaim sovereignty over our plates we must look beyond our plates and
reshape the food system as a whole.
*FIAN International *and* AFSA*
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*How multilateral and other international platforms affect food sovereignty*
*The new edition of the Nyéléni newsletter is online! *
*Illustration: Andrea Medina for ETC Group
For many governments and policy makers, food has come to be viewed as a
commodity rather than a right. Global food governance increasingly serves
corporate interests through market- and business-friendly agreements which
are normalised in a wide range of multilateral institutions. People's
livelihoods and nature are being traded away via economic and financial
deals that benefit corporations and elites in different sectors and
countries, but threaten the conditions necessary for peoples’ food
sovereignty. This threat is now being compounded by corporate techno-fix
approaches to climate change and biodiversity crises.
In this issue of the Nyéléni newsletter*,* we describe how trends in
multilateral and other international platforms are impacting food
sovereignty in ways that will be decisive for the future of food and
peoples' self-determination. We unpack the different processes in which
unfair exchanges are being perpetuated and opaque concepts promoted.
As trade and investment fora continue to advance industrial food systems
and global supply chains, the proliferation of so-called ‘Nature-based
Solutions’ (NBS) is masking new ways of commodifying nature, territories
and livelihoods. By assigning land, soil, water, forests and biodiversity
the impossible task of making up for the pollution caused by industries
elsewhere in exchange for monetary remuneration, a new front of commons
enclosure is opening up, which is being enabled, measured and monitored
through new technologies. Corporate capture of political and economic
agendas is a common factor in all these scenarios; spreading out and
embedding in multilateral institutions through multistakeholderism. A
glaring example of this is the 2021 Food Systems Summit and the subsequent
establishment of a UN Food Systems Coordination Hub, which seeks to hijack
the ongoing food governance conversation. A further example is the
discussion on Data for Food Security and Nutrition in the Committee on
World Food Security (CFS), driven by none other than the Bill and Melinda
Gates Foundation.
It is clear that we need to collectively mobilise and resist on an even
larger and more coordinated scale than ever before to challenge and reverse
these trends across a range of multilateral and other ‘negotiating’ arenas.
*ETC Group, FIAN International, Focus on the Global South*
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*Emerging diseases and factory farming *
*The new edition of the Nyéléni newsletter is online! *
*Illustration: * Rini Templeton
*What makes food safe?*
Within the industrial food system, “safety” is all about managing the high
risks created by this model of food production. Food is produced on
monoculture fields or factory farms, with uniform breeds of plants and
animals that are highly vulnerable to pests and diseases. In this context,
diseases can grow or mutate into more lethal forms, and, in the case of
animals, transfer to humans and spread through corporate supply chains. To
deal with their vulnerabilities, crops are genetically modified or doused
with toxic pesticides, and animals are fed antibiotics and drugs, creating
more health dangers. Then much of the food gets highly processed and sold
through supermarkets, causing harms like diabetes and cancer.
More and more regulations and standards are imposed by governments and
corporations to deal with these risks. But they typically only curtail the
most serious excesses, without threatening corporate profits, and are alien
to food systems based on traditional animal husbandry, markets and
agroecology, where risks are low because of diversity, local knowledge,
trust and small scale circuits. Those regulations have become a tool to
expand corporate control and undermine the healthy food systems that
continue to feed the majority of the world's people and that are the only
real solution to the harms of the industrial food system.
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Emanuela Russo
Coordinator of the international *Nyéléni Newsletter *
on Food Sovereignty
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*Nyéléni process: Recognizing the power of people's movements*
*The new edition of the Nyéléni newsletter is online! *
*Illustration: * Andrés Mateo Ayala Luna @calma_88
In 2007 the International Planning Committee for Food Sovereignty (IPC)
played a vital role in uniting small-scale food producers and their allies
to establish a shared vision of food sovereignty and implement strategies
to make it a reality. Over time, a robust global movement for food
sovereignty emerged, gaining significant political recognition. Together,
we have achieved the democratization of global food and agricultural
arenas, including the reform of the Committee on World Food Security. Our
struggles also influenced food sovereignty policies in various national
contexts and successfully secured political acknowledgment of peasants as
rights holders through the ratification of the UN Declaration on the Rights
of Peasants and Other People Working in Rural Areas.
However, our achievements are now under threat due to an extended period of
systemic crises. Right-wing forces, authoritarian regimes, and the
corporate capture of democratic governance spaces are on the rise globally,
accompanied by the dismantling of the United Nations multilateral system.
Human rights violations against peasant and Indigenous communities, along
with climate change, biodiversity loss, armed conflicts, and hunger, are
escalating rapidly. Furthermore, renewed threats to food sovereignty come
from new business configurations, in which hedge fund speculation firms and
digital technology titans join forces to oil the wheels of the failing
agro-industrial production system.
In this context, the IPC advocates for a new global Nyéléni process,
leading up to the next Nyéléni Global Forum in India in 2025. Recognizing
the power of people's movements, we aim to strengthen solidarity and unity
by bridging local and global struggles. We are striving to adopt an
intersectional perspective to address the multi-dimensional global crisis
By collaborating with climate justice, workers' rights, feminist,
solidarity economy, anti-war, youth, and other movements, we seek to resist
the corporate takeover of governance spaces, safeguard human and collective
rights worldwide, protect ecosystems, and secure a dignified life on Earth
for present and future generations.
*IPC for food sovereignty, Friends of the Earth International, La Via
Campesina, Transnational Institute*
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Emanuela Russo
Coordinator of the international *Nyéléni Newsletter *
on Food Sovereignty
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*Youth and the democratization of food systems*
*The new edition of the Nyéléni newsletter is online! *
*Illustration: *Sophie Holin for La Via Campesina, Instagram: @soph.ieholin
It's December. Yet another year in our cycle of life is drawing to a close
as we search for hope and solidarity in the face of daunting adversities.
The world is marred by rising temperatures, erratic weather events, extreme
poverty, hunger, wars, conflicts and violence.
A systemic model that placed the interests and profits of the few over
those of the many has created this catastrophe. The global industrial food
system is a case in point—it is among the largest polluters on the planet.
It uses nearly two-thirds of the world’s resources but can only feed a
quarter of the world's population, leaving behind a trail of destructive
and polluting practices along its supply chain. In contrast, peasant
agriculture, which still feeds 70% of the global population, sustains
harmonious and healthy cycles of food production, distribution and
It's high time we reminded global food governance institutions and
governments that the real solutions to the global food crisis lie in giving
peasant communities, Indigenous Peoples, migrant workers, landworkers,
small-scale fishers and pastoralists the power and the autonomy to build
food sovereignty in our territories. We must rally behind food systems
built by and for the people in an agroecological way that respects the
cycle of life in all its forms. A vital element in protecting and
multiplying these diverse, decentralized and resilient food systems are the
conditions available to the young and future small-scale food producers to
engage in the production process. This edition of the Nyéléni newsletter
delves into the democratization of people’s food systems and the critical
need to keep the role and future of the peasant youth in this process.
*La Via Campesina Youth Articulation*
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Emanuela Russo
Coordinator of the international *Nyéléni Newsletter *
on Food Sovereignty
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*Food sovereignty and agrobiodiversity*
*The new edition of the Nyéléni newsletter is online! *
*Illustration: *Colour drawing on amate bark-paper by the artist Abraham
Mauricio Salazar. Reproduced for informational purposes from the book* El
ciclo mágico de los días*, by Abraham Mauricio Salazar and Antonio
Saldívar. National Council for Education Development (CONAFE), Mexico, 1979
At a time when the media is sounding the alarm on high prices and shortages
due to the war in Europe, even if there is not always an exact correlation,
we are once again questioning the information that places large
corporations as the suppliers of most of our food. Anchored to this
fabricated image, the industrial agri-food system pushes a new assault on
agriculture with the digitalisation of its processes, promotes “carbon
sequestration” based on so-called “nature-based solutions”, continues its
drive to control and regulate supply chains to benefit its interests, and
even seeks to supplant the attempts of peasants in many parts of the world
by sponsoring an “agroecology” that is now promoted by the same
corporations and investment funds that for centuries have stripped peasants
of the possibilities of an independent agriculture.
We are therefore committed to defending our Food Sovereignty: the
possibility of being able to reproduce our seeds on our terms and in our
spaces, i.e., in full freedom, and to maintain our total independence in
producing our own food. For this, it will remain crucial to challenge land
grabbing and to insist on autonomy and on the defence of peasant and
Indigenous territories and even urban spaces of popular self-management
within neighbourhoods.
*IPC for Food Sovereignty, FoEI and GRAIN*
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*Nyéléni international launches new website!* <>
30th June 2022 – Nyéléni, the International Food Sovereignty movement has
launched its new website ( <>)
today to ensure easier accessibility and visibility to all the material and
documents produced over more than 15 years of struggles and building the
movement for Food Sovereignty.
*“ We are extremely thrilled about this new website. We are quite certain
that it will be a key resource for all the people and organisations already
involved in the struggle for Food Sovereignty or for all the ones who are
looking for more information on this topic.”* Said Shalmali Guttal, member
of the Nyéléni newsletter Editorial Board for Focus on the Global South.
The website, accessible in English, Spanish and French, is now more
user-friendly, mobile-compatible and it has a better search engine. The
content has also been organised in three main sections:
- *The International Food Sovereignty movement and newsletter.* This
section introduces the movement and the newsletter, as well as all the
organisations involved. It also links to a collection of key documents and
publications divided by theme (such as Food Sovereignty, Land, Fishery,
etc. These compendiums will continue to be updated with new documents and
- *The Nye**léni **newsletter.* This section includes all the newsletter
editions published until now. The newsletter is the only common
publication of the organisations and movements implicated in the
international struggle for Food Sovereignty, which makes it unique. Over
the last 10 years more than forty editions on a variety of topics have been
regularly published (such as land and territory, seeds, migration and farm
workers, ocean grabbing, digitalization, agroecology, FTAs, corporate
governance, nutrition, authoritarianism, climate change, and many more…).
The newsletter offers important informative and educational material on
complex issues and provides a unique space for grassroots organisations to
share their experiences and learn from each other.
- *The Nyéléni forums for Food Sovereignty.* On one hand this section
includes all the documents produced during the Forum which took place in
Mali in 2007: from the material generated during the long preparation
process before the event, to the media coverage and the final reports. On
the other there is a link to the new Nyéléni process which is taking place
at the moment and will finalise with a new Global Forum of Food Sovereignty
in the upcoming years.
*“We are delighted by this new website. We think that it will improve the
visibility of the international Nyéléni movement. We also believe that it
will help the Nyéléni newsletter to reach a larger audience while
continuing to benefit all the grassroots movements involved worldwide in
the struggle for Food Sovereignty. We hope you will join us in this effort
to make the voice of the international Food Sovereignty movement heard!”*
Said Nadine Nembhard, member of the Nyéléni newsletter Editorial Board for
the World Forum of Fisher People.
*Website *- The web address hasn't changed, have a look!
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