*EN Peasant seeds, the heart of the struggle for Food Sovereignty*
*The new edition of the Nyéléni Newsletter is now online! *
In 2018 the United Nations (UN) adopted the Declaration on the Rights of
Peasants, recognising at the highest level of international governance the
strategic role played by the peasants of the world.(...) The Declaration
highlights the role of peasant seeds in achieving Food Sovereignty, and in
developing agrarian policies which favour peasant farmers.
(...) It is vital to guarantee the right of peoples to "*Maintain, control,
protect and develop their own seeds and traditional knowledge”. *(...) In
this edition of the newsletter we are inviting you to return to the debate
on *Peasant seeds, the heart of the struggle for Food Sovereignty*, which
guarantee full Peasant Rights. We are sharing a series of articles which
seek to raise awareness and improve organisation for Peasant Seeds in all
territories, and providing information about how to join the "Adopt a Seed"
action. You will also find testimonies of the actions of resistance people
are engaged in to keep peasant seeds in the hands of those who feed
populations in a fair and healthy way.
*Click here to download the English edition*
<http://www.nyeleni.org/ccount/click.php?id=140> or read it directly in the
website at www.nyeleni.org !
For any further information, please contact info(a)nyeleni.org
*Please circulate it to your contacts!*
Emanuela Russo
Coordinator of the international Nyéléni Newsletter
*EN The digitalization of the food system*
*The new edition of the Nyéléni Newsletter is now online! *
Today, more than 820 million people suffer from hunger while obesity also
continues to increase across the world. Biodiversity in food and
agriculture is being eroded at an alarming rate by the destruction of
eco-systems. Climate change is accelerating (...).
Meanwhile a new “silver bullet” is being presented by corporations,
governments and international institutions to tackle hunger, malnutrition
and climate change: digitalization. (...)
Digital technologies have the potential to be beneficial or harmful
depending on the context. Small-scale food producers have their own
technologies, innovations and knowledge. However, so do corporations, who
seek monopoly controls on technology. Also, digitalization is happening in
an era of increasing inequalities, authoritarianism and oppression.(...)
*Click here to download the English edition*
<http://www.nyeleni.org/ccount/click.php?id=136> or read it directly in the
website at www.nyeleni.org !
For any further information, please contact info(a)nyeleni.org
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* <http://www.nyeleni.org/ccount/click.php?id=138>*
Emanuela Russo
Coordinator of the international Nyéléni Newsletter
*EN Agroecology: real innovation from and for the people*
*The new edition of the Nyéléni Newsletter is now online! *
The crisis in the industrial food system is impossible to ignore. For over
a decade, study after study has validated the assertion of the Food
Sovereignty movement in 2007 - that the corporate food system destroys life.
Now Governments are anxious to find ‘innovations’ in agriculture that can
overcome this. They are hoping to be saved by a new Green Revolution(…).
On the other hand Agroecology within the framework of Food Sovereignty is
also gaining widespread recognition and is increasingly being promoted as an
approach to transform agriculture and food systems and address the
challenges we face. The Food Sovereignty movement is exposing how the
discourse on innovation is actually a way to depoliticise the debate on what
a new food system should look like – by not setting any criteria on what
innovation must deliver on. In this way Agroecology is put together with
GMOs, new gene breeding technologies, ‘climate-smart agriculture’ and
‘sustainable intensification’. (…)
In this edition, we look at the elements of Agroecology as defined by small
scale food producers that make it the only real innovation to transform our
food and farming.
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<http://www.nyeleni.org/ccount/click.php?id=133> or read it directly in the
website at www.nyeleni.org !
For any further information, please contact info(a)nyeleni.org
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*EN Food Sovereignty at the rural - urban interface*
*The new edition of the Nyéléni Newsletter is now online! *
The rural-urban interface is a complex social* space* where politics and
culture are in constant flux. It can also be a physical *place*, where the
wealth and resources of villages, towns, peri-urban suburbs, and
suburbanized rural areas are in dispute. Taken globally, it is a vast
territory with potential to grow food sovereignty.
This issue of the Nyéléni Newsletter addresses the challenges and
opportunities of building food sovereignty in peri-urban areas, and the
ways that the producers and consumers of urban and rural communities form
alliances to transform the food system.
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<http://www.nyeleni.org/ccount/click.php?id=130> or read it directly in the
website at www.nyeleni.org !
For any further information, please contact info(a)nyeleni.org
*Please circulate it to your contacts!*
*EN Migration and Food Sovereignty*
*The new edition of the Nyéléni Newsletter is now online!*
The so-called migration crisis has taken a highly tragic turn. Many escape
due to the violence of the wars of occupation, others do so because of the
disasters of the climate crisis and many more because of the inequities of
this voracious and savage capitalism system.
For our part, the Collective on Migrations of La Vía Campesina proposes to
understand migration as an act of resistance by the dispossessed.
When human beings leave their families, their communities and their lands,
they are challenging the system that has condemned them to disappear as
peasants, as indigenous people, as women, as people of color, as youth, as
another culture, as a community and as a people.
By understanding migration in this way, we recognize in the struggle of La
Vía Campesina the key role of migrants and their potential as actors of
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<http://www.nyeleni.org/ccount/click.php?id=127> or read it directly in the
website at www.nyeleni.org !
For any further information, please contact info(a)nyeleni.org
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Dear Subscribers of the Nyeleni newsletter mailing list,
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The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) in EU is an appreciable
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Thank you.
Emanuela Russo
Coordinator of the international *Nyéléni Newsletter *
on Food Sovereignty
Follow us on twitter - @infoNyeleni
Follow us on facebook - https://www.facebook.com/NyeleniNewsletter
*EN Kids and Food Sovereignty*
*The new edition of the Nyéléni newsletter is now online!*
We are aware that to achieving a world where peoples’ food sovereignty is a
reality demands crucial discussions about food systems, access to and
control over natural resources, political and legal debates on gender and
on seeds, as well as social struggles and mobilization. But one essential
element among these – and progressively gaining more attention – is* the
role of children. *
The future of the struggles for the realization of food sovereignty and the
right to food depends on how our children are aware of the challenges
regarding how we produce our food, by whom and for whom it is produced.
Instead of perceiving children as a market niche, as big food companies
have been,* we see the youngest generations as the foundation for
transforming our food systems.*
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<http://www.nyeleni.org/ccount/click.php?id=124> or read it directly in the
website at www.nyeleni.org !
For any further information, please contact info(a)nyeleni.org
*Please circulate it to your contacts!*
Emanuela Russo
Coordinator of the international Nyéléni Newsletter
*EN Climate Justice* <http://www.nyeleni.org/ccount/click.php?id=121>
*The new edition of the Nyéléni Newsletter is now online!*
Oh! Oh! Nature mourns, Humanity perishes!
Why? Seasons have changed
Now unpredictable and unreliable!
Hotter, drier and shorter!
Winds and storms harsher and destructive
Mother Earth mourns, the land is barren.
Women, men and children, plants and animals perish!
But hope looms in the horizon
Food sovereignty, our hope!
Comes to restore social justice to humanity,
Ecological sustainability to nature
Biodiversity and cultural diversity to all peoples of Mother Earth!
Arise ye peoples, women and men, the landless, peasants,
indigenous farmers, forest and fisherfolks,
Let your hope be heard in all the corners of the earth!
Peasant Agroecology for Climate Justice NOW!
Globalise Struggle! Globalise Hope!
*Zimbabwean Peasant Movement*
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<http://www.nyeleni.org/ccount/click.php?id=121> or read it directly in the
website at www.nyeleni.org !
For any further information, please contact info(a)nyeleni.org
*Please circulate it to your contacts!*
*Sorry for resending this email to the list, but it seems that the first
email was not sent properly.*
*All the best.*
*EN Oceans and water* <http://www.nyeleni.org/ccount/click.php?id=117>
*The new edition of the Nyéléni Newsletter is now online! *
Water is an essential element for life and a crucial component of the human
environment. It is also an indispensable natural resource needed for the
production of our food and the maintenance of our planet’s basic functions.*
For these reasons, water has increasingly become a central political
element in peoples’ struggles for food sovereignty. *
The current edition of the Nyéléni newsletter exposes the growing global
threat of privatization and commodification of water – especially those of
the oceans and of inland waters, which are the source of life for thousands
of millions of fisher folks the world over.
Fisher communities from different regions and countries, organized in
global movements - the World Forum of Fish Harvesters and Fish Workers
(WFF) and the World Forum of Fisher Peoples (WFFP) - are resisting
“ocean/water grabbing”, which follows similar logic to land grabbing.
*The time has come to reemphasize the importance of fish workers themselves
– both women and men – and for communities to exercise their sovereignty
and make states meet their human rights obligations – especially with
regard to the protection of our oceans and inland waters. *
*Click here to download the English edition*
<http://www.nyeleni.org/ccount/click.php?id=117> or read it directly in the
website at www.nyeleni.org !
For any further information, please contact info(a)nyeleni.org
*Please circulate it to your contacts!*
Emanuela Russo
Coordinator of the international *Nyéléni Newsletter *
on Food Sovereignty
Follow us on twitter - @infoNyeleni
Follow us on facebook - https://www.facebook.com/NyeleniNewsletter
*EN Oceans and water* <http://www.nyeleni.org/ccount/click.php?id=117>
*The new edition of the Nyéléni Newsletter is now online! *
Water is an essential element for life and a crucial component of the human
environment. It is also an indispensable natural resource needed for the
production of our food and the maintenance of our planet’s basic functions.*
For these reasons, water has increasingly become a central political
element in peoples’ struggles for food sovereignty. *
The current edition of the Nyéléni newsletter exposes the growing global
threat of privatization and commodification of water – especially those of
the oceans and of inland waters, which are the source of life for thousands
of millions of fisher folks the world over.
Fisher communities from different regions and countries, organized in
global movements - the World Forum of Fish Harvesters and Fish Workers
(WFF) and the World Forum of Fisher Peoples (WFFP) - are resisting
“ocean/water grabbing”, which follows similar logic to land grabbing.
*The time has come to reemphasize the importance of fish workers themselves
– both women and men – and for communities to exercise their sovereignty
and make states meet their human rights obligations – especially with
regard to the protection of our oceans and inland waters. *
*Click here to download the English edition*
<http://www.nyeleni.org/ccount/click.php?id=117> or read it directly in the
website at www.nyeleni.org !
For any further information, please contact info(a)nyeleni.org
*Please circulate it to your contacts!*
Emanuela Russo
Coordinator of the international Nyéléni Newsletter
*EN Advancing Food Sovereignty*
*The new edition of the Nyéléni Newsletter is now online!*
This year marks the tenth anniversary of the historic International Forum
on Food Sovereignty that was held Mali in 2007.
Nyéléni has since become a space of praxis, to convene, synergise and build
forces to strengthen the different conditions for food sovereignty.
As the paradigm of food sovereignty has expanded, so too have threats
against it.
These threats are being confronted at multiple fronts and levels by the
growing global movement for food sovereignty.
The recurring crises the world is facing are inherent to capitalism which
is adept at re-inventing itself to maintain structural power.
Tinkering with the wiring of the capitalist model will do little good.
*What is needed is deep systemic change, a complete paradigm shift from
competitiveness to solidarity, from extractivism to respect and from
exploitation to dignity. This is the paradigm of food sovereignty, which
the global movement is advancing through diverse knowledge, capacities,
resources and social bases.*
*Click here to download the English edition*
<http://www.nyeleni.org/ccount/click.php?id=113> or read it directly in the
website at www.nyeleni.org !
For any further information, please contact info(a)nyeleni.org
*Please circulate it to your contacts!*
Emanuela Russo
Coordinator of the international Nyéléni Newsletter